Richard Elson
44 2033180912 | 44 7899791915
The MRC label group is made up of over 40 labels, including Distinctive Records, Celluloid, Sonodisc, Hooj Choons, React and Tirk.
The label group controls master rights for 50000+ tracks across a wide range of genres, many of which are One Stop or Easy Clear.
Recent sync’s include “The Get Down”, “Guerilla”, “So You Think You Can Dance”, “Mr Robot”, “Grand Theft Auto”, “Husters Convention”.
Hybrid / John Graham / Way Out West / The Last Poets / Architeq / Chaz Jankel / Visage / Space / Fab 5 Freddy / Diaphanoids / Candi Staton / Afrika Bambaataa / John Lydon