Verity Pabla
44 7984657347
“I’m not a machine” is a music for media company, representing a handpicked selection of emerging UK artists plus two American talents – Gospel Soul Sax artist Donald Hayes & award-winning Composer Chris Thomas. As a young micro business, we have a tight roster and a selection of targeted services; I’m not a machine is a Sync Agent, Production Music
Label on FELT [London] & ROBA PM [Hamburg], and Publisher in alliance with Faber Music. We work on Bespoke Composition jobs and June 2017 sees the launch of I’m not a
machine Trailer Music. We co-founded the Mini Sync Network [UK] with Plutonic Group Syncs, Charred Lions & Sync Republic!
Skatta, Modifier, Motif, Paul McGillivray, Ella Joy, Shanade, Verity Pabla, Greg Schofield, Wes Finch & Stylusboy.